Seeking people who knew Ken Rinciari to participate in research
Hello! I'm seeking poeple who knew, were friends (or enemies) of, worked with, loved, or collaborated with Ken Rinciari. He was born in...


What Say?
Dear Stephanie, I'm sorry not to know very much about Ken, except for my professional appreciation of his work. He occasionally did work...

Appreciation & Recognition
Hi Stephanie, Thank you for your email. I was not able to find a record for Ken in our membership database. We don’t have any...

Sweet Music...
One of Ken's favorite songs was "Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen". His fun pun on the song's lyrics was "Nobody knows the jesus I've...

Letters, drawings, ephemera
Letters from Ken (gifted to Stephanie Schroeder by Zinnia Stetson) Cupid drawing Xmas drawing (Tyranny Persist) Xmas drawing and note,...

The News of my Death is, Unfortunately, not Exaggerated
May 5, 2010 Dear Friends of Ken, Some of you have heard the sad news, others have not, that my darling Kenny died Sunday April 25th. This...